
How Long Do Lobsters Live: Lobester Lifespan

How Long Do Lobsters Live: Lobster Lifespan

Lobsters are often found in saltwater habitats, notably near the ocean floor in rocky or sandy locations. They are prevalent in the Atlantic Ocean, particularly the North Atlantic. Lobsters are distinguished by their lengthy, split body and strong exoskeleton. Their flesh is famous for having a sweet, juicy taste and a soft texture. For generations, …


10 safe plants for bearded dragons tank

10 Safe Plants For Bearded Dragons Enclosure 2025

Creating a safe and comfortable environment for your bearded dragon is important for their overall well-being. One essential aspect of their enclosure is the choice of plants. Incorporating live plants not only adds aesthetic appeal but also provides a lots of benefits to your scaly friend. However, it’s important to ensure that the plants you …


5 Leopard Gecko dying signs

Leopard Gecko Dying Signs: How To Recognize And Prevent Them

Are you the proud owner of a leopard gecko? These captivating reptiles bring joy and fascination to our lives. However, it’s essential to be aware of the signs that indicate your leopard gecko might be in trouble. In this article, we’ll explore the critical leopard gecko dying signs that every owner should know. By understanding …


Do Octopuses Have Mouth?

Do Octopuses Have Mouths? Mandibles

Yes, octopuses have a mouth. But they are not the same as humans. The beak-like mouth is located underneath the octopus body surrounded by head appendages. It helps them to survive. Do octopuses have mouths, where is it located, and how do they function? If you want to know the details of these exciting facts, …


Most popular types of bearded dragon morphs

Most Popular Types Of Bearded Dragon Morphs

Are you looking for a unique pet reptile? Then you must have heard of a bearded dragon morph. Bearded dragon morphs are a type of lizard that is specially bred to create different exotic looks and colors. They come in many varieties, including extreme colors, and multiple patterns. The possibilities of what a Bearded Dragon …


bearded dragon habitat setup for beginners

Bearded Dragon Habitat Setup: Best Tank Setup Guideline for Beginners

Welcome to the wonderful world of bearded dragon ownership! If you’re looking to give your new scaly friend the home of their dreams, then you’ve come to the right place. From the basics to the bells and whistles, here you’ll find all the information you need to create a safe and comfortable habitat for your …


Weber's Sailfin Dragon

The Unique Facts of Weber’s Sailfin Dragon

A rare species of lizard native to the Philippines and Indonesia is called a sailfin dragon. These dragons feature vivid colors, a long “sail” down their back, and a maximum length of roughly three feet. For these lizards to be kept in captivity, a significant degree of expertise and dedication were needed. Regrettably, the exotic …



Does Bearded Dragon Smell Bad?

Bearded Dragon Odor If a bearded dragon is something you’re thinking about obtaining as a pet, you probably have a lot of concerns. A common and simple-to-care-for reptile that many people adore is the bearded dragon. Nonetheless, a lot of individuals want to know if they smell awful for non-owners. We need to investigate the …


Brookesia Micra: The smallest pygmy Leaf Chameleon in the World

Brookesia Micra: The smallest pygmy Leaf Chameleon in the world

The Brookesia Micra is one of the smallest reptiles in the world. Frank Rainer Glaw discovered it, a German herpetologist working at the Zoologist. The Brookesia Micra, also known by the name Nosy Hara leaf chameleon. Brookesia is the Scientific symbol, and “Micra” is their call name. B. Micra shares its living area with other species …
